Tell us more about yourself

My name is Sasja, I am 21 years old and am now in my third year of studying Commercial Economics. I lived in Alphen aan den Rijn until I was fifteen, after which I moved to the east of the country. I currently live in Arnhem. But I can also be found with my parents in Rekken, a small village in the Achterhoek. 

I am a social person and enjoy spending time with my boyfriend or girlfriends. In my spare time, I enjoy doing fun things with my housemates, going out on the terrace with girlfriends and in the time I have left I can be found in the gym!

Sasja Vergeer (2)

Why Orange Juice?

I got to know Orange Juice during the ‘internship market’ organised by the HAN (Arnhem Nijmegen University of Applied Sciences). Together with other students, I was looking for an internship from September. The first company I got talking to and immediately clicked with was Orange Juice. Nina, Siebe and Mattie's energy and enthusiasm soon made me realise that this digital agency was a good fit for me.

What exactly will you be doing at Orange Juice?

During my internship period, I will be working on different aspects within digital marketing. These include content marketing, SEO/CRO and SEA.  Through this internship, I want to find out where my interests lie and look forward to applying all the theoretical knowledge in practice.

What are you extremely good at?

Something that characterises me is probably my perseverance, if I have something in my head I will do everything to make it happen. Apart from that, I am also a social person and enjoy getting in touch with new people.

What makes you happy?

Different things can make me happy, think of the simple things like delicious food, being together with friends and family or meeting new people. But also exercising, taking a walk or watching a series on the couch to clear my head makes me very happy!

Where do you see yourself in five years?

In five years' time, I hope to have developed myself further in my field and have a better understanding of my interests. I am greatly looking forward to the future but for now I am focusing first on getting my HBO degree and a possible subsequent master's degree. 

Are you looking for a new challenge and want to join our team like Sasja? Check out our current job openings, and who knows, we might soon welcome you to our team.