Macro-conversions and micro-conversions are two types of conversions that help measure website and online store performance. While macro-conversions represent primary goals such as purchases or service inquiries via contact forms, micro-conversions are smaller actions like reading a blog, subscribing to a newsletter, or adding products to a shopping cart. These micro-actions can ultimately lead to macro-conversions.
Measuring micro-conversions is a key feature of GA4, providing insights into visitor interactions and their journey towards making significant actions (macro-conversions). You can identify which pages generate the most micro-conversions, enabling better optimization of your website or online store. Micro-conversions in GA4 are tracked under the events report.
It's important to note that micro and macro-conversions vary depending on the website or online store. For instance, for an e-commerce site, a purchase is a macro-conversion, while for a service-based business, completing a contact form may be a macro-conversion. Always assess the specific goals of the website or online store.
Identifying more micro-conversions makes it easier to determine visitor relevance and website or online store performance. Furthermore, these insights can enhance Google Ads targeting, leading to improved campaign effectiveness and business outcomes.