New Umbraco updates

Since September 2021, Umbraco has been following a new release schedule. This schedule indicates that updates are published twice a year, such as Umbraco 8 or 9. One advantage of these rapid releases is that migration to future versions from Umbraco 9 has become easier. Every two years, a long-term support (LTS) version is published, such as Umbraco 10. As the name suggests, this version is supported by Umbraco for a longer duration than other updates.

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Support from Umbraco

Since January 2022, Umbraco offers two phases for major updates. The first phase is called the "support phase." During this phase, bugs and security issues are addressed. This phase lasts 9 months for regular updates and 24 months for LTS versions like Umbraco 10. After this phase, the "security phase" begins, during which only security issues are addressed. This phase lasts 9 months for important variants and 12 months for LTS updates. Therefore, an LTS version of Umbraco guarantees 36 months of support without changes that could break the website.

Key change in Umbraco 10

Today (June 16, 2022), Umbraco 10 has been launched. This LTS version brings several improvements. Firstly, it's important to note that Umbraco 10 uses the latest underlying framework. This change ensures future-proofing and better performance than before. It's crucial for every website to use the latest version of the .NET framework so that Microsoft continues to support it. The framework also enhances clean architecture and scalability. Umbraco 10 also utilizes the latest version of C#. 

New tools

Umbraco already does a lot out-of-the-box, utilizing tools not developed by them. For example, the tool responsible for displaying images chosen by CMS administrators in the correct formats on the website has been updated to be even faster. This results in faster websites with beautiful and consistent content. Another updated tool is the underlying Umbraco search engine with autocomplete. With its update, there are more customization possibilities, allowing website visitors to find everything even faster. 

Stay up-to-date

Due to improved functionalities and for security reasons, we always recommend upgrading to the latest version of Umbraco. You can only upgrade to the latest version from the version immediately preceding it. In short, you can upgrade to Umbraco 10 only from Umbraco 9. If you are coming from an older version, the update to the latest version will take longer. Another important reason to upgrade to Umbraco 10 now is because it's an LTS version, guaranteeing you 36 months of support. 


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